IOTemp Architecture

The IOTemp utilizes three major technology components: the Electric Imp framework, Oracle REST Data Services, and Oracle Application Express (APEX).

The Electric Imp framework includes the breakout board (circuit board), wifi transmitter (looks like an SD card), and the Electric Imp cloud based servers. When the Electric Imp boots, it can be configured to talk to a specific wifi network and associated to an Electric Imp account. This is the "blinkup" process. We have already done this step for your IOTemp.

After booting, the Electric Imp runs some local code (device code) to read and report the temperature to the imp cloud. The imp cloud runs the IOTemp agent code. The IOTemp agent code calls the Oracle REST Data Services (ORDS) JSON service (represented by the globe above) to report the data to the Oracle Database and to get instructions on what LED to light.

The APEX application displays information about the IOTemp and allows the user to control its settings. The settings are read by the JSON service which is called by the Electric Imp agent.